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get inner HTML element using javascript

I have the following html hierarchy:

<div class="custom-img-wrapper">
<a target="_blank" class="link-d" href="#"><img class="custom-below-img" src="some source"></a>
<h3><a target="_blank" class="link-d" href="#">some text</a></h3>

<div class="custom-img-wrapper">
<a target="_blank" class="link-d" href="#"><img class="custom-below-img" src="some source"></a>
<h3><a target="_blank" class="link-d" href="#">some text</a></h3>

and i am going over the links with this for loop :

var x = document.getElementsByClassName("link-d");
for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
    x[i].href = link;

now my question is how can i save the src of the image which is inside the link, so i'll get somwthing like this:

var x = document.getElementsByClassName("link-d");
for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
    var link_of_image_inside_node = x[i].????
    x[i].href = link;

i know i can loop over the custom-below-image but that's not what i need, and im looking for a pure JavaScript no jQuery solution any idea? thx

If a tags first child element is image then

var link_of_image_inside_node = x[i].firstChild.src;


var link_of_image_inside_node = x[i].children[0].src; //ignores all the text before img tag

where x[i] is the anchor element

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