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How use openalpr in java project

I want to use openalpr in my java project. What must I include to use the API? What libs must be imported in project properties in Eclipse or Netbeans?

I found the solution

  1. Download openalpr binaries https://github.com/openalpr/openalpr/releases
  2. Install and configure jdk (java and javac path)
  3. Compile openalpr java source code, start java_test.bat file
  4. Start main.java

    java -classpath java Main "us" "openalpr.conf" "runtime_data" "samples/us-1.jpg"


  1. Copy the native libs (DLLs for windows) into the exec dir
  2. Copy the java classes into your project (dir: /src/main/java)
  3. Get started with:


Alpr alpr = new Alpr("us", "/path/to/openalpr.conf", "/path/to/runtime_data");

// Set top N candidates returned to 20

// Set pattern to Maryland

AlprResults results = alpr.recognize("/path/to/image.jpg");
System.out.format("  %-15s%-8s\n", "Plate Number", "Confidence");
for (AlprPlateResult result : results.getPlates())
    for (AlprPlate plate : result.getTopNPlates()) {
        if (plate.isMatchesTemplate())
            System.out.print("  * ");
            System.out.print("  - ");
        System.out.format("%-15s%-8f\n", plate.getCharacters(), plate.getOverallConfidence());

(Source: http://doc.openalpr.com/bindings.html#java )

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