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How to use “script fields” on nested type in ElasticSearch?

I want to do something like this, use script_fields to show the length of comments.

   "script_fields" : {
      "comments" : {
         "script" : "doc['comments'].values.size()"

but comments is a nested type. which looks like

   "comments": [
             "k": "2016-01-06T00:00:03",
             "v": "v1 "
             "k": "2016-01-06T00:00:04",
             "v": "v2"

so I want to know "how to use "script fields" on nested type in ElasticSearch?".

This script should work:

"script_fields": {
    "custom_field": {
        "script": {
            "lang": "painless",
            "source": "params['_source']['comments'].size()"

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