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C++ operators overriding

can you explain me why this code doesn't work. operator+ override:

Fraction& Fraction::operator+(const Fraction& f) {
    Fraction temp;
    if (this->denominator == f.denominator){
        temp.numerator = this->numerator + f.numerator;
        temp.numerator = this->numerator;
    else {
        temp.numerator = this->numerator * f.denominator + f.numerator * this->denominator;
        temp.denominator = this->denominator * f.denominator;
    return temp;

operator= override:

void Fraction::operator=(const Fraction& f) {
    this->numerator = f.numerator;
    this->denominator = f.denominator;

after code

Fraction res;
res = f + g;

fields of res stay uninitialised. But, for example, code

Fraction res = g; 

is working properly. So operator= doesn't understand (f + g) as one object? Thanks.

The problem is that your overload is returning a reference to an object, temp , which is destroyed when the function returns.

Accessing that object after the function returns is undefined.

Return by value instead:

Fraction Fraction::operator+(const Fraction& f)


Fraction res = g; 

isn't an assignment but an initialisation and will not use your assignment operator.

You're returning a reference to a temporary that was created on the stack. "temp", in operator+, has a lifetime that ends when operator+ returns. Its contents will likely be altered in chaotic ways, the next time a method is called.

In addition to return a reference to a temporary, the other problem you have is:

    if (this->denominator == f.denominator){
        temp.numerator = this->numerator + f.numerator;
        temp.numerator = this->numerator;  // *HERE*

I am pretty sure the line labelled *HERE* should be:

        temp.denominator = this->denominator;

Otherwise you will call simplifier with an uninitialized denominator and bad things will happen.

I would also recommend making operator + a free standing binary operator which takes two Fraction arguments - and make it use operator += . Note: lhs is passed as a copy, not as a const reference.

Fraction operator +(Fraction lhs, const Fraction &rhs)
    lhs += rhs;
    return lhs;

If you want to return "temp" as reference then you have to declare "temp" as:

static Fraction temp;

And now everything will work. Why because appending static keyword before declaration made "temp" available until program termination..

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