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sending Image from Socket server (java) to socket client (python)

I am trying to send an image from Socket server (Java) to socket client (Python) but the received image in client has an incorrect size and does not open. I don't know what am I doing wrong. Any suggestions?

Server (Java):

BufferedImage image = ImageIO.read (new File("c:\\tmp\\File.png"));
ImageIO.write(image, "png", connectionSocket.getOutputStream());

Client (Python):

   client_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    client_socket.connect( host , port )
    data = client_socket.recv( 1024 )
    fp = open ( path, "wb" )
    while data:
        data = client_socket.recv( 1024 )
        if data:
            if not data: break
            fp.write  ( data )
    print "could not connect to %s:%s " %( host, port 

Convert your image to a base64 string (Java), then transfert the string and get back to the image data (python).

In java, to get Image from base64 string:

public static Image image(String base64Img) {
 byte[] b = DatatypeConverter.parseBase64Binary(base64Img);
 ByteArrayInputStream s = new ByteArrayInputStream(b);
 return new Image(s);

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