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Confusion with multidimensional array initialization in C#

I'm a programming newbie and I just started learning about arrays. What confuses me is the way one can initialize a multidimensional array in C#. And that is because I don't specify the coordinates of each element myself, but C# does it somehow.

More specifically, let's say that I initialize this array:

string[,] names = {
 {"Deadpool", "Superman", "Spiderman"}
 {"Catwoman", "Batman", "Venom"}

Given that in single dimensional array initialization C# starts by placing the first value in element [0], I assume that the same holds true for multi-dimensional arrays too. But doesn't it do the same for each seperate dimension ?This can't be true. Because then it would place "Deadpool" on element [0] of the row, and later it would try to place "Catwoman" on element [0] of the first column. And if that was the case, given that element [0] of the first row is the same element [0] of the first column, "Catwoman" would replace "Deadpool" as both would be written in [0,0]. Yet using a foreach to write everything on the console, both show up. So how and where does C# place each value, to avoid a value of one dimension overwriting the value of another dimension ?

If you convert the foreach to a for loop it might mack a little bit more sense:

static  void Main(string[] args)
           string[,] names = {{"Deadpool", "Superman", "Spiderman"},{"Catwoman", "Batman", "Venom"}};

           for (int index0 = 0; index0 < names.GetLength(0); index0++)
               for (int index1 = 0; index1 < names.GetLength(1); index1++)
                   var name = names[index0, index1];

This is essentially what the foreach is doing behind the scenes. If you want to learn how that actually works start here:

How does the Java 'for each' loop work?

How is foreach implemented in C#?

How do foreach loops work in C#?

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