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Javascript RegEx: Get 1 or 2 digits after a symbol (Excluding that symbol)

Thanks in advance for taking a look at this. I'm having some difficulty extracting something to create a sports project. I've got the following situation:

lastName, firstName #33 6

Which works fine with the following:

var number = $(this).text().match(/\d{1,2}/);

But, if I use it for the following (missing the number) than it's grabbing the 6, because obviously I am searching for one or two digits.

lastName, firstName # 6

Basically what I'm trying to do is pull in a one or two digit number after the number sign (if there is one) but ignore anything that comes after it and before it (# included). I'm not extremely handy with RegEx so hopefully one of you are able to understand what I mean by this.

Try: #(\\d{1,2})

You can use capture groups in JS (from here )

var myString = "something format_abc";
var myRegexp = /(?:^|\s)format_(.*?)(?:\s|$)/g;
var match = myRegexp.exec(myString);

To allow spaces between # and number: #\\s*(\\d{1,2})

\\s* will catch all the spaces.

There seems to be no leading 0 possible, so I added that restriction and also the number has to be followed by a whitespace or it has to be a the end.

var re = /#\s*([1-9][0-9]?)(?:\s|$)/;
var matches = [];
var str = '...';
while ((match = re.exec(str)) != null) {

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