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How to display the Array length in console with JavaScript/AngularJS

I have a question about displaying the Array length in console.log().

Here is a simple example:

vm.list = CrudService.getAllData();

function getAllFonds() {
   return ResService.names.query(

function succResp(resp) {
   return resp;

function ResService($resource, baseUrl) {
    return {
        names: $resource(baseUrl + '/api/list/:Id', {
            Id: '@Id'
        }, {
            'update': {
                method: 'PUT'


When I'm opening the console, there will be display only:

Array [ ]

Only when I click on "Array" then I see on the right side that the array contains 47 objects.

Is there a possibility to display in console:

Array [47]



When I'm using:


it returns 0.

Sure there is


Or if you insist on that format you can do


Take a peek at the docs

I think you're looking for this:


or in your case


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