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LTSB Windows 10 Store App

we need to install a windows store app on a windows 10 LTSB. Is it somehow possible to legally get an appx package of a store app so we can install it or are there some other ways to do it?

If you go to Settings > Updates and Security > For Developers Go to Use Developer features and select Sideload apps .

Then you will need to install the certificate for the application, This will be bundled with you appx package. Import the certificate to the local machine under the Trusted Root Certification Authorities folder.

Finally, sideload your app onto the machine using Powershell and the Add-AppxPackage cmdlet.

You will now have the application installed on that Windows 10 Machine.


I notice you are wanting to install an app you havent created, already on the app store, following these steps had some success to get apps running on LTSB version of Wiindows 10.

As from http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_10-start/windows-10-enterprise-ltsb-no-more-built-in-metro/ab8dbbe5-ef56-47c0-98a0-4a9a7d9763b8?auth=1

  1. Grab C:\\Program Files\\WindowsApps from Install.WIM on a Windows 10 Enterprise CB ISO
  2. Place them as you see them in the WIM on your real system Add-AppXPackage -Register 'C:\\Program Files\\WindowsApps*\\AppManifest.xml' -DisableDevelopmentMode
  3. (Repeat the last step 2 more times to work around dependency hell) Do as this article tells you to do: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/2798317

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