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how to return a data from http call in angular 2 when the call is success

Take this function as example:

getSessionInfo() {
     // Don't know what this map function do
    .map(res => res.json())
    // Don't know what this subscribe function do
      data => {
        if (data.response.statusCode === 200) {
           ** the data.response.data in this case is an object**
           return data.response.data;
        } else {
          console.log("cant get session info");
      err => console.log(err),
      () => { }

What my understanding is, the return data.response.data will not actually return something when the getSessionInfo() is called.

For example, the this.session will still be undefined.

  getSession() {
    this.session = this.service.getSessionInfo();

What I want to do is, return the value data.response.data and assign it to this.session.

Note, they are in different class in Angular2 Project.

export class HeaderComponent {

  service: ApiService;

  session: Object;

  constructor(service: ApiService) {
    this.service = service;

  getSession() {
    this.session = this.service.getSessionInfo();

    // I expect this is the true value I expected, not undefined


The ApiService class is in a different folder

    export class ApiService {

      _http: Http;
      regions: Object;
   constructor(http: Http) {
    this._http = http;

    getSessionInfo() {

I used to know they can do what I want using $q, $defer, but what should I do using Angular 2

Do return create either new Promise / Observable as you are going to use .subscribe over observable. So this._http.get(someCorrectUrlHere) promise from getSessionInfo method and then do have .then with Arrow function over getSessionInfo method.

getSessionInfo() {
  //creating custom promise & then resolving and rejecting it on condition.
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) =>{
      .map(res => res.json())
      data => {
        if (data.response.statusCode === 200) {
          resolve(data.response.data); //returning data by resolving promise
        } else {
          console.log("cant get session info");
          reject("Error occured");
      err => {
      () => {}


export class HeaderComponent {
  service: ApiService;
  session: Object;
  constructor(service: ApiService) {
    this.service = service;

  getSession() {
    //success function.
    (session) => {
        this.session = session;
       //error function

You can convert Observable returned by Angular 2 http call to Promise if you are comfortable working with that

getSessionInfo() {
    return this._http.get(someCorrectUrlHere).toPromise();

More about it in the official Angular docs here .

Or, you can try to do it Angular 2 way. Keeping your service as

getSessionInfo() {
    .map(res => res.json())

and subscribing in your HeaderComponent

getSession() {
    data => {
        if (data.response.statusCode === 200) {
           this.session = data.response.data; 
        } else {
           console.log("cant get session info");
     err => console.log(err),
     () => { }

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