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PreparedStatement not working for substring_index?

I'm using this:

PreparedStatement preStatement = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM SomeTable WHERE attributeId = ? AND substring_index(substring_index(rowIdCombo,',',2),',',-1) = ?");

preStatement.setString(1, anAttributeID.toString());
preStatement.setString(2, locationID.toString());

Searching using the same query works fine on the MySQL terminal. It's only when using PreparedStatement in Java that it doesn't.

rowIdCombo is basically a string of numbers with comma separated values. Something like this: 23,56,64,3 .

The result set returned is empty. How do I get this query to work?

Based on the output of


which was:

com.mysql.jdbc.PreparedStatement@223d2c72: SELECT * FROM mydb.SomeTable WHERE attributeId = '6' AND substring_index(substring_index(rowIdCombo,',',2),',',-1) = '1'

and as per your comment, that replacing = '1' with = 1 have solved the issue, to prevent the single quotes wrapping, set the value in the PreparedStatement as integer, use this:

preStatement.setInt(2, Integer.parseInt(locationID.toString()));

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