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FluentAssertions Asserting an Exception has been thrown for an overloaded operator

I've been using FluentAssertions for my unit testing, and have started looking at asserting whether Exceptions are thrown correctly. I know that I can use the ExpectedExceptions method attribute, but I would like to learn the FluentAssertion approach if it is possible.

I have a Matrix class (simplified for this example) with an overloaded multiplication operator:

public class Matrix
    public int Rows { get; set; }
    public int Columns { get; set; }
    public float[,] Elements { get; set; }

    public static Matrix operator *(Matrix m1, Matrix m2)
        if (m1.Columns != m2.Rows)
            throw new Exception("These matrices cant be multiplied");

        return new Matrix(1, 2, new float[,] { {1, 2} });

and I would like to test for the Exception case. This is what I have so far:

//[ExpectedException(typeof(Exception), "These matrices cant be multiplied")]
public void MatrixMultiplication_IncorrectMatrixSize_ExceptionTest()
    // Arrange
    var elementsA = new float[,]
        {4, 7},
        {6, 8}

    var elementsB = new float[,]
        {3, 0},
        {1, 1},
        {5, 2}

    Matrix A = new Matrix() {Rows=2, Columns=2, Elements=elementsA);
    Matrix B = new Matrix() {Rows=3, Columns=2, Elements=elementsB);

    // Act
    Func<Matrix, Matrix, Matrix> act = (mA, mB) => mA * mB;

    // Assert
    act(A,B).ShouldThrow<Exception>().WithInnerMessage("These matrices cant be multiplied");

The problem I'm having is that FluentAssertions doesn't have a ShouldThrow extension method for a generic Func , and I'm not sure if or how to wrap this in an Action. Is it possible to use FluentAssertions in this way for this situation, or do I use FluentAssertions in a different manner, or will I have to use ExpectedExceptions ?

Hooray for overthinking the problem...

Writing the TestMethod like this made it work:

public void MatrixMultiplication_IncorrectMatrixSize_ExceptionTest()
    // Arrange
    var elementsA = new float[,]
        {4, 7},
        {6, 8}

    var elementsB = new float[,]
        {3, 0},
        {1, 1},
        {5, 2}

    Matrix A = new Matrix() {Rows=2, Columns=2, Elements=elementsA);
    Matrix B = new Matrix() {Rows=3, Columns=2, Elements=elementsB);

    // Act
    Action act = () => { var x = A * B; };

    // Assert
    act.ShouldThrow<Exception>().WithMessage("These matrices cant be multiplied");

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