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Sql Server Reporting Service (SSRS) 2005 Operation timeout issue

I know similar questions have been asked before... I am using SQL server 2005, with SSRS 2005 installed on the same box. (aka. production DB, Report DB/TempDB, Database engine, and SSRS all in the same box). We have about 200 reports deployed in the box. SSRS/DB is running on a W2k3 64-bit VM.

Now the problem...

Occasionally almost on a daily basis our users get the 'operation timeout' error (error in XML document....). At first I thought it was a report size problem, but then when I try the Report Manager URL (http://<>/reports), nothing appears on the browser. The only thing I can do is to recycle the Report server IIS pool and it will work again. Everytime when the 'operation timeout' happens, the Report Manager URL will not work, and I can't find any logs in IIS to indicate there's a problem.

I researched on the net and found that some people have put a dummy report as part of the SQL server agent job which runs every 10 minutes from 9-5 to 'warm up' the SSRS. The dummy report made a small connection to the DB on one row from a very small table. The operation timeout problem seems to have disappeared for 95% of time, but it still happens. Strange enough, when the operation timeout problem happens, I notice the dummy report job has also stopped working. In this case, I had to recycle the IIS pool, and start the SQL server job again, and then SSRS will work again (until the same problem happens next time)

The error I got from the SQL server job is: System.IO.IOException: Unable to read data from the transport connection: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host

However I am totally confused by how the IIS issue on the report server somehow affects the SSRS job. Maybe I am on the wrong track but that's bizzare.

My observation so far is if it takes forever for the Report Manager URL (http://<>/reports) to appear it is a bad sign that something has gone terribly wrong on SSRS.

I have also added a new task which call the SSRS Report Manager http://<>/reports URL using PowerShell in order to 'warm-up' the IIS but it does not seem to make much difference.

Can someone point me to the right direction? Thanks. WM

In the past, after much research, I've found memory allocation for SSRS to be the root of many issues. You can try this.

Add the following into the <Service> node in the rsreportserver.config file


The file is typically in c:\\program files\\Microsoft SQL Server\\MSRS11.iMIS\\Reporting Services\\ReportServer

This sets the maximum memory available for the report which also set the minimum memory to 60% of the maximum.


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