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JavaScript Promises and setTimeout

I have been playing with Promises, but I am having trouble understanding what is happening with the following code:

function a() { 
    return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { 
        resolve("hi from a!");

function b() { 
    return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { 
        setTimeout(function () { 
            resolve("hi from b!");
        }, 5000);

function c() { 
    return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { 
        setTimeout(function () { 
            resolve("hi from c!");
        }, 1000);

a().then(function (resultFromA) {
    console.log("a() responded with: " + resultFromA);
}).then(function (resultFromB) { 
    console.log("b() responded with: " + resultFromB);
}).then(function (resultFromC) { 
    console.log("c() responded with: " + resultFromC);

I am expecting this to output a() responded with: hi from a! immediately, along with b() responded with: hi from b! and c() responded with: hi from c! after their respective setTimeout() fires. However, what I get this the following output immediately:

a() responded with: hi from a!

b() responded with: undefined

c() responded with: undefined

I was thinking that .then() waits on these promises, but it isn't. Any help would be appreciated.

You need to return b() and return c() from within your then handlers.

then only "replaces" the first promise with a subsequent promise which is returned from its callback.

If your then callback doesn't return a promise, then the then applies to the original promise, and it will be executed immediately regardless of the contents/result of the previous then callback.


a().then(function () {
}).then( # This "then" is chained off of a's promise

While conversely:

a().then(function () {
  return b()
}).then( # This "then" is chained off of b's promise

You need to return promises to chain them :

a().then(function (resultFromA) {
  console.log("a() responded with: " + resultFromA);
  // return b() promise
  return b();
}).then(function (resultFromB) { 
  console.log("b() responded with: " + resultFromB);
  // return c() promise
  return c();
}).then(function (resultFromC) { 
  console.log("c() responded with: " + resultFromC);

You forgot to return from function call. Javascript function does not return implicitly.

function a() { 
    return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { 
        resolve("hi from a!");

function b() { 
    return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { 
        setTimeout(function () { 
            resolve("hi from b!");
        }, 5000);

function c() { 
    return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { 
        setTimeout(function () { 
            resolve("hi from c!");
        }, 1000);

a().then(function (resultFromA) {
    console.log("a() responded with: " + resultFromA);
    return b(); // return 
}).then(function (resultFromB) { 
    console.log("b() responded with: " + resultFromB);
    return c(); // return
}).then(function (resultFromC) { 
    console.log("c() responded with: " + resultFromC);

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