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How does React call the render function of an ES6 class in a such a way that `this` does not refer to the class itself?

For example, given the class with a function increaseQty

increaseQty() {

and the call

render() {
  return (
      <button onClick={this.increaseQty}>Increase</button>

this.qty will be undefined unless I write a line in my constructor binding the context of this in the constructor to the function

constructor(props) {
  this.qty = 0
  this.increaseQty = this.increaseQty.bind(this) // <---- like so

However this isn't the case in a normal es6 class if you're just using it normally:


class Test {
  constructor() {
    this.qty = 0

  increaseQty() {

  doStuff() {

const t = new Test()
t.doStuff() // prints 1

What aspect of React makes it so that render is called without the context of this ?

The difference here is that in your example with React you are passing increaseQty as a callback to another component, but in the second, you are calling it within the current context.

You can see the difference here in simplified example

class Test {
  constructor() {
    this.qty = 0

  increaseQty() {

  doStuff() {
    this.increaseQty(); // no need to bind

  listenClicks() {
    // you should use bind to preserve context
    document.body.addEventListener('click', this.increaseQty.bind(this)); 

React guidelines also recommend you bind methods in the constructor, to make the code more optimal, bind it once and always use the same function rather than create a new bound version for each render() call.

This isn't really an ES6 specific question (other than the fact that we are referencing a class and constructor). What you're doing in your function is just incrementing a value. If that value has not been initialized to something (even in ES5) then it will throw an error. You can't add 1 to undefined .

In ES5 (and ES6 really) this would be a problem:

var myObj = {
    addOne: function() {

myObj.addOne(); // Error! this.qty is undefined

Whereas this would resolve it:

var myObj = {
    qty: 0,
    addOne: function() {

myObj.addOne(); // Good to go

It's the same situation in your class. You cannot increment a variable that you haven't declared and initialized to a number value.

In an even simpler example this:

var x;


would throw an error whereas this:

var x = 0;


is good.

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