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Use method to get value in asp:repeater

When I loop through my data in c# I have to use the below to get the value:

foreach (var item in documentQuery)
   string value = item.getproperty("title");
  //value = "hello world"

But if I want to bind the results to an asp:repeater in an ASPX page how would I call this same getproperty method in the ItemTemplate? Because if I just go <%# Eval("title") %> it gives an error...

Eval() is a shortcut to simplify binding. To do something more complex, you won't be able to use it.

I think you need to do something like:

<%# Container.DataItem.getproperty("title")) %>

Or you might have to cast Container.DataItem to your specific type of item:

<%# (Container.DataItem as XXXXXXX).getproperty("title")) %>

where XXXXXXX is whatever the type your item is.

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