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vim: copy into system clipboard not working

In my .vimrc I have those two lines for copy and paste into the system clipboard:

nnoremap <Leader>p "+p
nnoremap <Leader>y "+y

Weirdly the remapping of pasting works fine, but I can't copy any lines. If I press the buttons "+y it works and the highlighted text is in my system clipboard, but if I use < Leader> y it is only copied into a register inside vim, but not into the system clipboard.

Some help would be great!

If you use your mapping in Visual mode, you have to use vnoremap or noremap , instead of nnoremap (which is for Normal mode only).

See :h map-overview for details.

Your yanking mapping is incorrect. "+y lacks a motion. If you want to yank the whole line use upper Y ( "+Y ) or or yy ( "+yy ).

:help y
                        *y* *yank*
["x]y{motion}       Yank {motion} text [into register x].  When no
            characters are to be yanked (e.g., "y0" in column 1),
            this is an error when 'cpoptions' includes the 'E'

Note that, if you type "+y , vim hangs in "operation-penging mode" ( :help Operator-pending-mode ).

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