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Vim mapping copy to system clipboard

I've gotten vim to copy to the system clipboard (xsel) by pressing the following keys: "+y . Now I want to map that to the following key combiation: Ctrl+Shift+c , since that's what termite, the terminal I use, has set as defaults, and I want to keep some consistency.

This isn't working, and I don't understand why.

vnoremap <C-S-c> "+y

I know I can use some of the alternatives from the vim wiki, but I want to understand what I'm doing wrong here.

You didn't do anything wrong. your <csc> mapping doesn't work in your terminal, because in terminal vim. the cc and csc have same keycodes. You can prove it by typing <cv><cc> and <cv><csc> in INSERT mode.

You mentioned vim wiki, I am not sure if you have read this wiki entry . It should help you.

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