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why is this n(square) complexity?

why is this code n^2 complexity when there are three for loops? and how do u tell the different complexity of the code? here is the code:

    int size1= sc.nextInt();
    int size2 = sc.nextInt();

    int value=0;
    for(int k=0;k<size1;k++)
        //5 times
        for(int x=0;x<size2;x++)
            //15 times
            for(int i=0;i<x;i++)
                //15 times



The complexity of your code is O(n^3) if we assume that n=size1=size2. \\sum_{k=0}^{size_1-1} \\sum_{x=0}^{size_2-1} \\sum_{i=0}^{x-1} 1=\\sum_{k=0}^{ size_1-1} \\sum_{x=0}^{size_2-1}x=\\sum_{k=0}^{size_1-1}\\frac{(size_2-1)(size_2)}{2}=\\frac {(size_1)(size_2)(size_2-1)}{2}=O(n^3)

If only size2=n and size1=k (small constant), the complexity is O(kn^2), which is O(n^2) if we only consider the variable n to be large.

I think you mean complexity not efficiency. The reason this is O(nˆ2) is that it has quadratic complexity because the third loop uses the second variable.

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