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trouble with relative path to javascript file

I am trying to link a js (the js is a local file in the project) to this html (results.html) :


The problem is that the js is not loading .

I have try with :


But if I use:

<script th:src="@{/js/ResultspieChart.js}"></script>

it works , th is a Java template engine

In fact the url according to intelliJ helper is well formed,where is the problem ?

The file system paths are not resolved correctly most of the times. Use an http server to serve your html and ../static/js/ResultpieChart.js should work. You can use http-server npm package as below (Prerequisite: You should have node installed): 1. Install http-server globally

npm install -g http-server

  1. Start the http-server in the root of your project


This will start a server at default port (8080). So if you browse localhost:8080 , you can see your files

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