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how to save file in relative path using javascript

I want to save.json file in application path using javascript. I used the following code to save the file. but it saved in physical path. not in the application path. my code is:

 var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
 var s = fso.CreateTextFile("E:\\Model.json", true);

in server side can use Server.MapPath but i dont know how to save in Javascript. please guide me friends, thanks in advance..

I take it you're running this via Windows Scripting Host or similar.

Just use a relative path:

var s = fso.CreateTextFile("Model.json", true);

Note I left the E:\\ off.

I don't know what you mean by " the application path, " but that will save the file in the current directory in which the script/application is running. If you want to do it relative to one of the "special" Windows folders, use FileSystemObject#GetSpecialFolder to get the special folder's path, then append your path to it.

Can't you just strip the drive prefix amd use relative path?

 var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");

 var s = fso.CreateTextFile("MyFolder\\Model.json", true);


And also, from looking at the FSO documentation there are several ways to obtain the current directory path and compute the path yourself as well.

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