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Different Coordinate System in GeoJSON data

I just started trying to use some open data from the USDA (I'm a front end developer, so I'm not too familiar with how to work with data that hasn't in a fairly straight forward format yet), but I'm not sure what these coordinates are under geometry->rings (they're not lat/lng). I was wondering if anyone could tell me what sort of coordinate system they're using so I can figure out how to convert them. All points should be within Colorado. Thanks!


I think I found a possible answer to your question here:

So, the coordinates you received in a format like

"geometry": {
 "rings": [
    -11804245.4265,     // easting
    4495129.5014000013  // northing
   ], ...

appear to be "Eastings" and "Norhings", coordinates given in meters , based on a Mercator like projection (in this case: wkid 387, sometimes referred to under its old name: wkid 102100). The coordinates for any point of the world fall into the following range:

Xmin: -20037700  XMax: 20037700   // easting
Ymin: -30241100  YMax: 30241100   // northing

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