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strange behavior overridden method. I have ann error

I have some module in OSGi project.

  - payment-api
  - payment-impl

in payment-api I have interface UserService

public interface UserService{
    String method1(String p1, int p2);
    String method2(String p1);

And implementation

public class UserServiceImpl implements UserService{

public String method1(String p1, int p2){
   returnt result;

public String method2(String p1){
   returnt result;

And my module payment-impl has dependency


It work fine. But now, if i tried add new mrthod to UserService and after override this method in UserServiceImpl I have error:

public interface UserService{
        String method1(String p1, int p2);
        String method2(String p1);
        String test(int a);


    public String test(int a) {
        return "sdfsdff";

java:[94,9] method does not override or implement a method from a supertype

But if I delete @Override annotation all work fine. I cn not understand why? how can this be?

 interface Y{
    String method();

public class X implemets Y{
  String method(){
  return "some string";
   }//is error


String method(){
  return "some string";
   }//is fine


And if I not implements this method compiler swears. And by default IDE override methosd with annotation. And another methods which have already been implemented work fine without annotations

The impl module might be referencing a stale version of the api module. You might want to rename your version 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT , clear your local maven repository (typically found in ~/.m2/repository ), and then clean and rebuild the product.

I am uncertain whether suffixing the version with SNAPSHOT is important here, but it is not a bad practice to do so while the product is in development.

I am also uncertain exactly why you might have hit a stale version of the module. To really dig deep into the problem I would recommend:

  1. Inspect the classpath that you use for running the application to determine/confirm the location where the api jar is being used from.
  2. Understand what sequence of events ensures that that jar gets refreshed with your latest built code. Perhaps you always need to invoke mvn install and cannot just rely on the IDE compilation process, that I'm not sure.

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