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Class parameter as optional function pointer not recognised as function

Tapping on a tableview cell segue you to another view. Once arriving on that other view I call a webservice to load data asynchronously.

As I wish to keep my cell class clear from network code, I want to define my webservice call in the TableViewController, and set a kind of delegate property of my TableViewCell on prepareForSegue().

override func prepareForSegue(...) {
 dest = TableViewCell

 dest.getDataDelegate = getData

func getData(...) -> X? {

var getProductDelegate: ((...) -> X?)!
override func viewWillAppear() {
 getProductDelegate(...) //Error - Cannot call value of non function type    

If I get ride of the parenthesis around the type declaration of getData, it recognize it as a function, but then the class needs initializer. I am using storyboard so I wish to avoid it.

Thanks in advance!

Edit: I guess I just have to unwrap it if it's optionnal

Edit2: Yhea, stupid error. My bad, posting answer

Ok, as it's optionnal, the property type getProductDelegate is not a function anymore.

A simple unwrap allow you to use it as a function, as usual:

if let func = getProductDelegate {

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