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How to output the python print result into a table or CSV format?

I'm new to python and right now I'm trying to learn web scraping for personal travel planning. I would like to know after I print the result, how can I output it into a table format or CSV format.

right now the result goes like the following:

{'price': '115', 'name': 'The hotel name'}
{'price': '97', 'name': 'the hotel name'}

I Googled the method of some modules like pandas and prettytable, find it is too much challenge for me to understand. So I am here to see if there is any solutions regarding my problem.

The code is as below:

import requests                   
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

url="http://hotelname.com/arrivalDate=05%2F23%2F2016**&departureDate=05%2F24%2F2016" #means arrive on May23 and leaves on May 
wb_data = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(wb_data.text,'lxml')
names = soup.select('.PropertyName')
prices = soup.select('.RateSection ')
for name,price in zip(names,prices):    
    data = {
    print (data)`

I hope your previous codes are right and the writing part;

import csv
with open('filename.csv', 'w') as csvfile:    #create csv file with w mode
    fieldnames = ['names', 'prices']          #header names
    writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fiel dnames)    #set the writer
    for name,price in zip(names,prices):     #writing the elements 
        writer.writerow({'names': name.get_text(), 'prices': price.get_text()})

You could use pandas to create a DataFrame and then write the DataFrame to csv. This would require a slight change to your dict to make it easier, the code could look something like this:

import pandas as pd


data = {                                        
    0: {"name": name.get_text()},
    1: {"price": price.get_text()}

df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data, orient='index')
df.to_csv('filename.csv', index=False)

You just need to write to the file, where you are printing the values:

import requests
import csv

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

url="http://hotelname.com/arrivalDate=05%2F23%2F2016**&departureDate=05%2F24%2F2016" #means arrive on May23 and leaves on May 
wb_data = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(wb_data.text,'lxml')
names = soup.select('.PropertyName')
prices = soup.select('.RateSection ')

with open('results.csv', 'w') as outfile:
    writer = csv.writer(outfile, delimiter=',')
    writer.writerow(['Name', 'Price']]

    for name,price in zip(names,prices):
        writer.writerow([name.get_text(), price.get_text()])

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