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Python 2.7: Dynamic module import in an imported module based on given variable

There are given two versions of a storage. Based on the version, I need to select the proper interface module to get the result.

The file structure looks like this:


        interface_v1.py    # interface for storage of version 1
        interface_v2.py    # interface for storage of version 2


The main.py imports provider.py , that should import one of the interfaces listed in the storage subpackage depending on the version of the storage.


from lib.provider import Provider
from lib.connection import Connection
from lib.device import Device

connection = Connection.establish(Device)
storage_version = Device.get_storage_version()

massage = Provider.get_data(connection)

provider.py should import an interface to the storage based on storage_version and implement provide some functions:

from storage import interface

class Provider(object):

    def __init_(self):
        self.storage = interface.Storage

    def get_data(self, connection):
        return self.storage.get_data()

    def clear_storage(self, connection):

This example is not complete, but should be sufficient for the problem explanation.

Additional question:

  • Is it possible to use storage.__init__ to use import just the subpackage?
  • How to proper implement Factory in Python?

Assuming the interface_v1 and interface_v2 bith impleement a class StorageClass I guess something like this:

import storage.interface_v1
import storage.interface_v2

class Provider(object):

    def __init__(self , version):
        if version == 1:
           self.storage = storage.interface_v1.StorageClass
           self.storage = storage.interface_v2.StorageClass

Would be the best solution - but https://docs.python.org/2/library/functions.html# import should provide a way to import a module based on name.

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