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Disabling aspxgridviews on server-side, how to handle on client-side?

I've just started a project where our BA guy needs me to disable all of our aspxgridviews past a certain time.

     public void CutoffDateTime()
          //DateTime today = DateTime.Now; // this will be for live code
          DateTime today = new DateTime(2016, 4, 15, 7, 00, 00); // for testing
          DateTime cutoff = new DateTime(2016, 4, 19, 7, 00, 00);

          if (today >= cutoff.AddDays(7))
              cutoff = cutoff.AddDays(7);
          // if today is past cutoff, disable all grids
          if (today < cutoff.AddHours(-55))
              gvProduction.Enabled = false;
              gvProductionSummary.Enabled = false;
              gvDowntimeSummary.Enabled = false;
              gvNonProd.Enabled = false;
              cbCutoff.Checked = false;
              cbCutoff.Checked = true;

The grids are disabled correctly, but this affects some client-side code that calls the grid.Refresh() methods.

I've added the checkbox as an invisible control so that I can easily interface with the client-side and I'm trying to add:

    if (cbCutoff.GetChecked()==true)

But I am still getting JavaScript runtime errors stating that 'cbCutoff is undefined' but I can't think of another way to accomplish this task.



Here is part of my asp.net markup that I'm trying to fix via DexExpress' GetChecked() method that returns true if checked:


<ClientSideEvents ActiveTabChanged="function(s, e) {
    if (e.tab.index.toString() ==  1 && cbCutoff.GetChecked()==true)
}" />

Fixed by using

    if (cb.GetChecked())

and set the checkbox to enabled on server-side

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