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Image processing and Computer Vision

I would like to use Smalltalk (Pharo) to better refactor my image processing and computer vision code/algorithms, written in other languages. I have not found a lot of examples online where Smalltalk is used for processing images (or video frames). I would like to know whether

i) there is an opencv/image/computer vision library available for Smalltalk that is easily installed or

ii) someone could give an example of how to access the pixel data in an image and threshold it using Smalltalk.

最近在https://github.com/feenkcom/gt4opencv 上绑定了 OpenCV(用于 Pharo 7 atm)

For the first question, you can maybe write your own interface using FFI to the OpenCV C-API. For the second question, I think it's easy to use ImageReadWriter formFromFileNamed and then can use pixelValueAt: to read the value, threshold, and then write back by pixelValueAt:put: .

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