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Xamarin and Visual Studio 2015 issues with building a solution

Since I updated to Xamarin and Visual Studio 2015 with Update 2, when I try to build a solution, it gives me this error:

  1. System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path 'C:\\ProgramData\\Mono for Android\\License\\monoandroid.licx' is denied. at Xamarin.Components.Ide.Activation.ActivationService.GetErrorWorkflow(LicenseSyncResult[] results, Boolean ignoreSyncErrors) at Xamarin.Components.Ide.Activation.ActivationService.d__59.MoveNext() at Xamarin.Components.Ide.Activation.ActivationDialog.DisplayWorkflowStep(ActivationWorkflowStep step) at Xamarin.Components.Ide.Activation.ActivationDialog.<>c__DisplayClass31_0.b__0(Task t)

Resolved by replacing two files in /android and /ios folders

mandroid.exe and mtouch.exe

Not sure what went wrong, but after all glad to get it working once again Now I'm able to r/e/build delpoy and clean solutions

Thank you

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