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How to dispose resources in third-party dll?

I have a console application that needs to create multiple objects of type <T> and T is inside another dll that I don't own.

When an object of type T is created, it loads a XML in memory, but it never releases it. So if you create too many objects of type T , an OutOfMemoryException is thrown. The dll doesn't provide a dispose method for that Object and I can't interact with the XML directly.

Is there a way to dispose of objects of a certain type that were created by a dll that I don't own ?

I'm using .NET 4.6

The third-party dll is the dll of Trados Studio , for the people who know the program.

Just set the instance of the 3rd part object to null and create a new instance. The garbage collector will eventually clean up the object that you set to null and you wont get an out of memory exception anymore.

public class Class1
    private StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

    public void loadFile()
        using(StreamReader sr = new StreamReader("C:\\test.txt"))   // Loads large text file. 

static void Main()
    fileloader.Class1 inst = new fileloader.Class1(); // Assume this is the instance of your 3rd party object. 

        if(inst == null)
            inst = new fileloader.Class1();

        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)

        inst = null;  // allows the object to be GC'ed. Without this i get the OutOfMemoryException


    } while (true);

Calling GC.Collect() during runtime might solve the problem. Ref: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.gc.collect?view=net-5.0

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