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How do I do a database backup on Amazon RDS every hour?

Currently the database on Amazon RDS is automatically backed up once a day - that seems to be a default behavior.

When I look on the "Backup retention period", 1 day is the smallest option. How do I do an hourly (or every 30 minutes) backup and (ideally) save the backup to my Amazon S3? Is this supported by Amazon RDS or do I need to do a manual mysqldump and upload the backup to S3 through my own script?

I haven't found any 2016-answer.

Thank you.

No need. http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/Overview.BackingUpAndRestoringAmazonRDSInstances.html

In addition to the daily automated backup, Amazon RDS archives database change logs. This enables you to recover your database to any point in time during the backup retention period, up to the last five minutes of database usage.

In short, RDS already has this covered.

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