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regex in bash-script to exclude certain word

I want to exclude "cgs" and "CGS" but select all other data.


exclude this-->



accept all other.

I tried something like this .*([Cc][Gg][Ss]).* to select the cgs , but I don't understand the exclude thing =) It must be a filename_pattern without grep.

Kind Regards,


Does it have to be a regexp? You can easily do it with a glob pattern, if you set in your script

shopt -o extglob

to enable extended globbing. You would then use the pattern


to generate all entries which do NOT have CGS in their name.

grep --invert-match --ignore-case cgs < filenames_list

extglob option

Try this:

ls -ld $path/!(*[cC][gG][sS].csv)

And have a look at

man -Pless\ +/extglob bash
  If the extglob shell option is enabled using the shopt builtin, several extended pattern matching operators are recognized. In the following description, a pattern-list is a list of one or more patterns separated by a |. Composite patterns may be formed using one or more of the fol‐ lowing sub-patterns: ?(pattern-list) Matches zero or one occurrence of the given patterns *(pattern-list) Matches zero or more occurrences of the given patterns +(pattern-list) Matches one or more occurrences of the given patterns @(pattern-list) Matches one of the given patterns !(pattern-list) Matches anything except one of the given patterns 


ls |grep -iEv "cgs" 

Using invert match of grep:

grep -v 'cgs\|CGS' <filelist


ls | grep -v 'cgs\|CGS'

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