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How to access a control that is created in a separate class file, in xaml view?

I created I dynamic label in .CS (FormEvents.cs)

        DXTabItem myTabItem= new DXTabItem();
        myTabItem.Header = new Label()
            Name= "lblTabAccountHeader", 
            Content = "MyTab" + Convert.ToString(UserID) 

and I want to access the label "lblTabAccountHeader" in my (AccountsDisplay.xaml) and use it as binding ElementName in placement target

<Popup x:Name="ClosingMenuPopMenuControl"  PlacementTarget="{Binding ElementName=lblTabAccountHeader}" StaysOpen="False" PopupAnimation="Fade">

You can't directly access a label in xaml from a cs file. But it is possible if you implement the interface INotifyPropertyChanged and fire the event PropertyChanged when the corresponding property changes. You could achieve it with a string property.


public class FormEvents : BindableBase
   private string someName;
    public string SomeName
        get {return someName;}
        set { SetProperty(ref someName, value);}

    public FormEvents()
        DXTabItem myTabItem= new DXTabItem();
        myTabItem.Header = new Label()
            Name= "lblTabAccountHeader", 
            Content = "MyTab" + Convert.ToString(UserID) 
        SomeName = lblTabAccountHeader.Content;

In YouView.xaml.cs

public class YourView 
    prvate FormEvents instance = new FormEvents();

    public YourView()
        instance.SomeName.PropertyChanged += EventHandler;


    private void EventHandler(object obj)
        TextBoxinYourView.Text = instance.SomeName;

Thus when the property changes in your class file, it will be reflected in your view also.

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