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Query XML CLOB column to get sub XML in the column

I have a CLOB column in my table which contains an XML. I want to fetch the xml after a specific tag to its ending tag ie

Full XML in CLOB column

 <Location>ABC XYZ ....</Location>

What I am trying to fetch is something like this:


I have tried to use dbms_lob.substr and dbms_lob.getlength but that doesnt help as the sub XML may contain the <Person> tag starting at different bytes in different scenarios.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

Don't try to parse the node out yourself with substrings. Oracle has extensive XML support built-in . You can do this with an XMLQuery :

select xmlquery('/ParentTag/Person' passing xmltype(xml_clob) returning content)
  as xml_value
from your_table;


If your XML document (in the CLOB) can have multiple person nodes then you can use XMLTable instead to extract them all.

And if you want it to be a formatted string matching what you've shown, rather than an XML document, you can use an XMLSerialize wrapper call:

select xmlserialize(content
  xmlquery('/ParentTag/Person' passing xmltype(xml_clob) returning content)
    as varchar2(100) indent size=2) as string_value
from your_table;


Following up a comment, if you have anamespace you can declare that as part of the XPath :

select xmlquery('declare namespace NS4 = "http://soa.comptel.com/2011/02/instantlink"; /ParentTag/NS4:Person'
  passing xmltype(prov_request) returning content) as xml_value
from your_table;

select xmlserialize(content
  xmlquery('declare namespace NS4 = "http://soa.comptel.com/2011/02/instantlink"; /ParentTag/NS4:Person'
      passing xmltype(prov_request) returning content)
    as varchar2(150) indent size=2) as string_value
from your_table;

The extracted Person node will still have that namespace information though:

<NS4:Person xmlns:NS4="http://soa.comptel.com/2011/02/instantlink">             

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