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Designing a bulk REST API in Java

I have a problem with my appilication when am perfoming bulk update's and create's.

I have very huge rest pay load which contains 1000 fields and with 10000 update at a time. After submitting the request data will be save in db with jdbc procedure.

Now here we are facing perfomance issue.

i have to design a bulk api to reslve this perfomance issue.

i searched existing bulk api by Sales force and Telerik.But not clear about their implemention.

How do i design a my own bulk REST API in java for bulk update's and create's.

Which design patterns should i take into consideration?

It will be helpful for me, if any body could answer me.

Thanks in advance.

An often used term in REST is "Collection Resource".

Consider a system that stores invoices. The collection resource for them could have the URL


while a single invoice with ID 123 could have the URL


Adding a new invoice to the collection would be done using

POST /resources
Content-Type: application/json

  "customer": "CUS-123",
  "amount": 1.43,
  "paided": false

The server would store it and assign an ID to it.

To store more than one invoices in one request, it would make sense to post an array:

POST /invoices
Content-Type: application/json

    "customer": "CUS-123",
    "amount": 1.43,
    "paided": false
    "customer": "CUS-456",
    "amount": 42.23,
    "paided": true

It would the responsibiltity of the server to recognize that now there are more than one invoice to store.

One example of such an API is ElasticSearch bulk update support: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/docs-bulk.html

You can take some inspiration there.

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