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How to get the Image::Magick's blob (raw) image from the Imager?

How to get the same raw data from the Imager as from the Image::Magick 's ImageToBlob function for the GRAY/8bit ?

my $raw_magic = $im->ImageToBlob(magick => 'GRAY', depth => 8);

#Imager???  the simple 'gray' preset gives different data
my $gray = $img->convert(preset => 'gray');
$gray->write(data => \my $raw_imager, type => 'raw');

Probably the convert using the matrix => ... could help, but can't figure how to use it..

(I need pass the raw data to some another module, which works OK with the $raw_magic - so, looking for how to get the same data from the Imager .)

If someone want play, here is my test image qrcode.png 在此处输入图片说明 and also my test script.

use 5.014;
use warnings;
use Image::Magick;
use Imager;

my $file = shift // 'qrcode.png';
die "missing $file" unless -f $file;

my $im = Image::Magick->new;
my $raw_magic = $im->ImageToBlob(magick => 'GRAY', depth => 8);

my $img = Imager->new;
$img->read(file=>$file, type=>'png') or die 'read:', $img->errstr;
my $gray = $img->convert(preset => 'gray');
$gray->write(data => \my $raw_imager, type => 'raw') or die 'write:', $gray->errstr;

say "Different" if $raw_magic cmp $raw_imager;

sub hexdump {
    my $data = shift;
    my $n;
    print $_, (++$n % 16) ? " " : "\n"
        for unpack '(A2)*', unpack 'H*', $data;
    print "\n";


Adding some background information. I want to use the Barcode::ZBar package. So, calling my decode_qr with the raw data produced by the Image::Magick, the QR-decode decodes correctly the "hello", using the Imager's data doesn't.

decode_qr($raw_magic,  $im->Get(qw(columns rows)), 'magick');
decode_qr($raw_imager, $gray->getwidth(), $gray->getheight(), 'imager');

sub decode_qr {
        my($raw, $w, $h, $from) = @_;

        path($from . '.raw')->spew_raw($raw);   #save the raw data

        my $zimage = Barcode::ZBar::Image->new;
        $zimage->set_size( $w, $h );
        for my $sym ($zimage->get_symbols) {
                say join(':', $from, $sym->get_type(), $sym->get_data());

I have had a little time to test this out and there is something odd going on. I created a dummy qrcode.pnm with ImageMagick:

convert -size 1x1! -depth 8 -compress none xc:black xc:white xc:gray xc:gray30 xc:gray90 +append qrcode.pnm

And with that, the following code works as expected:

use 5.014;
use warnings;
use Image::Magick;
use Imager;

my $file = shift // 'qrcode.pnm';
die "missing $file" unless -f $file;

my $im = Image::Magick->new;
my $raw_magic = $im->ImageToBlob(magick => 'GRAY', depth => 8);

my $img = Imager->new;
$img->read(file=>$file,type=>'pnm') or die 'read:', $img->errstr;
my $gray = $img->convert(matrix => [[1,0,0]]);
$gray->write(data => \my $raw_imager, type => 'raw') or die 'write:', $gray->errstr;

say "Different" if $raw_magic cmp $raw_imager;

sub hexdump {
    my $data = shift;
    my $n;
    print $_, (++$n % 16) ? " " : "\n"
        for unpack '(A2)*', unpack 'H*', $data;
    print "\n";


00 ff 7e 4d e5
00 ff 7e 4d e5

Not sure what that proves, or if it is useful but will spend some more time tomorrow.

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