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using the Instagram API, can i display get all posts from a specific location?

Hi Instagram Developers, I'd like to get a feed of all instagram posts of our location (guests who post images from their stay with us). Unfortunately, with the API I can't get any other posts than my own users, which is clearly not what i want... is there any way to do that?

integration using php

Thanks for any help flo

You can query the Instagram API using the location ID of your business, like this: https://api.instagram.com/v1/locations/{location-id}/media/recent?access_token=ACCESS-TOKEN

This will return the most recent posts for your location.

If you don't know your location ID, it's the number at the end of the URL for your location page on Instagram eg https://www.instagram.com/explore/locations/222206243/ .

See their documentation for more info on what is included: https://www.instagram.com/developer/endpoints/locations/

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