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How to remove carriage return in a dataframe

I am having a dataframe that contains columns named id, country_name, location and total_deaths. While doing data cleaning process, I came across a value in a row that has '\\r' attached. Once I complete cleaning process, I store the resulting dataframe in destination.csv file. Since the above particular row has \\r attached, it always creates a new row.

id                               29
location            Uttar Pradesh\r
country_name                  India
total_deaths                     20

I want to remove \\r . I tried df.replace({'\\r': ''}, regex=True) . It isn't working for me.

Is there any other solution. Can somebody help?


In the above process, I am iterating over df to see if \\r is present. If present, then need to replace. Here row.replace() or row.str.strip() doesn't seem to be working or I could be doing it in a wrong way.

I don't want specify the column name or row number while using replace() . Because I can't be certain that only 'location' column will be having \\r . Please find the code below.

count = 0
for row_index, row in df.iterrows():
    if re.search(r"\\r", str(row)):
        print type(row)               #Return type is pandas.Series
        row.replace({r'\\r': ''} , regex=True)
        print row
        count += 1

Another solution is use str.strip :

df['29'] = df['29'].str.strip(r'\\r')
print df
             id             29
0      location  Uttar Pradesh
1  country_name          India
2  total_deaths             20

If you want use replace , add r and one \\ :

print df.replace({r'\\r': ''}, regex=True)
             id             29
0      location  Uttar Pradesh
1  country_name          India
2  total_deaths             20

In replace you can define column for replacing like:

print df
               id               29
0        location  Uttar Pradesh\r
1    country_name            India
2  total_deaths\r               20

print df.replace({'29': {r'\\r': ''}}, regex=True)
               id             29
0        location  Uttar Pradesh
1    country_name          India
2  total_deaths\r             20

print df.replace({r'\\r': ''}, regex=True)
             id             29
0      location  Uttar Pradesh
1  country_name          India
2  total_deaths             20

EDIT by comment:

import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv('data_source_test.csv')
print df
   id country_name           location  total_deaths
0   1        India          New Delhi           354
1   2        India         Tamil Nadu            48
2   3        India          Karnataka             0
3   4        India      Andra Pradesh            32
4   5        India              Assam           679
5   6        India             Kerala           128
6   7        India             Punjab             0
7   8        India      Mumbai, Thane             1
8   9        India  Uttar Pradesh\r\n            20
9  10        India             Orissa            69

print df.replace({r'\r\n': ''}, regex=True)
   id country_name       location  total_deaths
0   1        India      New Delhi           354
1   2        India     Tamil Nadu            48
2   3        India      Karnataka             0
3   4        India  Andra Pradesh            32
4   5        India          Assam           679
5   6        India         Kerala           128
6   7        India         Punjab             0
7   8        India  Mumbai, Thane             1
8   9        India  Uttar Pradesh            20
9  10        India         Orissa            69

If need replace only in column location :

df['location'] = df.location.str.replace(r'\r\n', '')
print df
   id country_name       location  total_deaths
0   1        India      New Delhi           354
1   2        India     Tamil Nadu            48
2   3        India      Karnataka             0
3   4        India  Andra Pradesh            32
4   5        India          Assam           679
5   6        India         Kerala           128
6   7        India         Punjab             0
7   8        India  Mumbai, Thane             1
8   9        India  Uttar Pradesh            20
9  10        India         Orissa            69

use str.replace , you need to escape the sequence so it treats it as a carriage return rather than the literal \\r :

In [15]:
df['29'] = df['29'].str.replace(r'\\r','')

             id             29
0      location  Uttar Pradesh
1  country_name          India
2  total_deaths             20

The below code removes \\n tab spaces, \\n new line and \\r carriage return and is great for condensing datum into one row. The answer was taken from https://gist.github.com/smram/d6ded3c9028272360eb65bcab564a18a

df.replace(to_replace=[r"\\t|\\n|\\r", "\t|\n|\r"], value=["",""], regex=True, inplace=<INPLACE>)

Somehow, the accepted answer did not work for me. Ultimately, I found the solution by doing it like followed

df["29"] = df["29"].replace(r'\r', '', regex=True)

The difference is that I use \\r instead of \\\\r .

Just make df equal to the df.replace code line and then print df.

df=df.replace({'\r': ''}, regex=True) 

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