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Where can I catch non rest controller exceptions in spring?

I have the spring mvc application. To catch exceptions I use @ExceptionHandler annotation.

public class ExceptionHandlerController {   

    public ModelAndView handleCustomException(CustomGenericException ex) {

But I think that I will catch only exceptions after controller methods invocations.

But how to catch exceptions generated outside the rest context? For example lifecycle callbacks or scheduled tasks.

But how to catch exceptions generated outside the rest context? For example lifecycle callbacks or scheduled tasks

One solution that I can think of it, is to use a After Throwing Advice . The basic idea is to define an advice that would caught exceptions thrown by some beans and handle them appropriately.

For example, you could define a custom annotation like:

public @interface Handled {}

And use that annotation to mark methods that should be advised. Then you can annotate your, say, jobs with this annotation:

public class SomeJob {
    @Scheduled(fixedRate = 5000)
    public void doSomething() {
        if (Math.random() < 0.5)
            throw new RuntimeException();

        System.out.println("I escaped!");

And finally define an advice that handles exceptions thrown by methods annotated with @Handled :

public class ExceptionHandlerAspect {
    public void handledMethods() {}

    @AfterThrowing(pointcut = "handledMethods()", throwing = "ex")
    public void handleTheException(Exception ex) {
        // Do something useful

For more finer grain control over method executions, you could use Around Advice , too. Also don't forget to enable autoproxy-ing, using @EnableAspectJAutoProxy on a Java config or <aop:aspectj-autoproxy/> in XML configurations.

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