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Reduce multiple foreach loops in code C#

I have wrote a really messy code, just because I did not had an idea how to loop through the multiple list of objects.

Code is working what it suppose to do, but I am not confident with it. Does someone has an idea how this kind of code can be refactored so it is more readable?

foreach (var outlet in merchant.Outlets)
    if (outlet != null)
        foreach (var terminal in merchant.Terminals)
            if (terminal != null)
                foreach (var agreement in terminal.AssociateAgreements)
                    var bankInfo = new Bank();
                    if (agreement != null)
                        bankInfo.UniqueID = AgreementUniqueCode + agreement.ID;
                        bankInfo.BankBIC = agreement.BankAccountInformation.SwiftBIC;
                        bankInfo.BankName = agreement.BankAccountInformation.BankName;
                        bankInfo.Address =

                        bankInfo.type = BankType;

You could use LINQ, especially SelectMany and Where :

List<Bank> banksAccountInformation = merchant
    .Where(m => m.Outlets != null && m.Terminals != null)
    .SelectMany(m => m.Terminals
        .SelectMany(t => t.AssociateAgreements
            .Where(aa => aa != null)
            .Select(aa => new Bank
                UniqueID = AgreementUniqueCode + aa.ID
                // ...

You could also use the linq query syntax:

var outletQuery = from outlet in merchant.Outlets
                  where outlet != null
                  select outlet;

var agreementQuery = from terminal in merchant.Terminals
                     where terminal != null
                     from agreement in terminal.AssociateAgreements
                     select agreement;

foreach (var outlet in outletQuery)
    foreach (var agreement in agreementQuery)

If the only thing you want to is drilling down the object hierarchy, then you can use extension methods or linq:

// here you get a flattened collection of Terminals
merchants.SelectMany( m => m.Terminals)
// here you get a flattened collection of all AssociateAgreements of all Terminals
   .SelectMany( t => t.AssociateAgreements)

if i am:

foreach (var outlet in merchant.Outlets)
    if (outlet == null)

    foreach (var terminal in merchant.Terminals)
        if (terminal == null)

        foreach (var agreement in terminal.AssociateAgreements)
            if (agreement == null)


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