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Change values in pandas dataframe according to value_counts()

I have following pandas dataframe :

import pandas as pd 
from pandas import Series, DataFrame

data = DataFrame({'Qu1': ['apple', 'potato', 'cheese', 'banana', 'cheese', 'banana', 'cheese', 'potato', 'egg'],
              'Qu2': ['sausage', 'banana', 'apple', 'apple', 'apple', 'sausage', 'banana', 'banana', 'banana'],
              'Qu3': ['apple', 'potato', 'sausage', 'cheese', 'cheese', 'potato', 'cheese', 'potato', 'egg']})

I'd like to change values in columns Qu1 , Qu2 , Qu3 according to value_counts() when value count great or equal some number

For example for Qu1 column

>>> pd.value_counts(data.Qu1) >= 2
cheese     True
potato     True
banana     True
apple     False
egg       False

I'd like to keep values cheese , potato , banana , because each value has at least two appearances.

From values apple and egg I'd like to create value others

For column Qu2 no changes :

>>> pd.value_counts(data.Qu2) >= 2
banana     True
apple      True
sausage    True

The final result as in attached test_data

test_data = DataFrame({'Qu1': ['other', 'potato', 'cheese', 'banana', 'cheese', 'banana', 'cheese', 'potato', 'other'],
                  'Qu2': ['sausage', 'banana', 'apple', 'apple', 'apple', 'sausage', 'banana', 'banana', 'banana'],
                  'Qu3': ['other', 'potato', 'other', 'cheese', 'cheese', 'potato', 'cheese', 'potato', 'other']})

Thanks !

I would create a dataframe of same shape where the corresponding entry is the value count:

data.apply(lambda x: x.map(x.value_counts()))
   Qu1  Qu2  Qu3
0    1    2    1
1    2    4    3
2    3    3    1
3    2    3    3
4    3    3    3
5    2    2    3
6    3    4    3
7    2    4    3
8    1    4    1

And, use the results in df.where to return "other" where the corresponding entry is smaller than 2:

data.where(data.apply(lambda x: x.map(x.value_counts()))>=2, "other")

      Qu1      Qu2     Qu3
0   other  sausage   other
1  potato   banana  potato
2  cheese    apple   other
3  banana    apple  cheese
4  cheese    apple  cheese
5  banana  sausage  potato
6  cheese   banana  cheese
7  potato   banana  potato
8   other   banana   other

You could:

value_counts = df.apply(lambda x: x.value_counts())

         Qu1  Qu2  Qu3
apple    1.0  3.0  1.0
banana   2.0  4.0  NaN
cheese   3.0  NaN  3.0
egg      1.0  NaN  1.0
potato   2.0  NaN  3.0
sausage  NaN  2.0  1.0

Then build a dictionary that will contain the replacements for each column:

import cycle
replacements = {}
for col, s in value_counts.items():
    if s[s<2].any():
        replacements[col] = dict(zip(s[s < 2].index.tolist(), cycle(['other'])))

{'Qu1': {'egg': 'other', 'apple': 'other'}, 'Qu3': {'egg': 'other', 'apple': 'other', 'sausage': 'other'}}

Use the dictionary to replace the values:


      Qu1      Qu2     Qu3
0   other  sausage   other
1  potato   banana  potato
2  cheese    apple   other
3  banana    apple  cheese
4  cheese    apple  cheese
5  banana  sausage  potato
6  cheese   banana  cheese
7  potato   banana  potato
8   other   banana   other

or wrap the loop in a dictionary comprehension:

from itertools import cycle

df.replace({col: dict(zip(s[s < 2].index.tolist(), cycle(['other']))) for col, s in value_counts.items() if s[s < 2].any()})

However, this is not only more cumbersome but also slower than using .where . Testing with 3,000 columns:

df = pd.concat([df for i in range(1000)], axis=1)

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 9 entries, 0 to 8
Columns: 3000 entries, Qu1 to Qu3
dtypes: object(3000)

Using .replace() :

value_counts = df.apply(lambda x: x.value_counts())
df.replace({col: dict(zip(s[s < 2].index.tolist(), cycle(['other']))) for col, s in value_counts.items() if s[s < 2].any()})

1 loop, best of 3: 4.97 s per loop

vs .where() :

df.where(df.apply(lambda x: x.map(x.value_counts()))>=2, "other")

1 loop, best of 3: 2.01 s per loop

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