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Delete a row from sqlite database table using id

This is how I created my database

 public class MyDatabase extends SQLiteOpenHelper
public static final   String DATABASE_NAME="MyDatabase.db";
public static final  int DATABASE_VERSION=1;
//table name
public static final String TABLE_NAME_INFO="info";
    //column name
public static final String ID="_id";
public static final String COL_INFO_NAME="name";
public static final String COL_INFO_GEN="gender";
// creating table

   public static final String CREATE_TABLE="create table "+TABLE_NAME_INFO+" ("+"_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,"+COL_INFO_NAME+" text,"+COL_INFO_GEN+" text)";

public MyDatabase(Context context)

public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db)

public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db , int oldVersion, int newVersion)
    db.execSQL("drop table if exists "+TABLE_NAME_INFO);


Now I want to delete a item in list view when the _id is id of the list view.Like this

  public boolean onItemLongClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id) {
 MyDatabase helper= new MyDatabase(this);
 SQLiteDatabase db=helper.getWritableDatabase();

 db.delete(MyDatabase.TABLE_NAME_INFO,MyDatabase.ID+" = "+Integer.toString((int)id), null);

But it does not work . Please suggest me a way to delete the row using _id.

To delete a row from that table use the following syntax...

 db.delete(MyDatabase.TABLE_NAME_INFO, MyDatabase.ID + " = ? ",
                        new String[]{String.valueOf(id)});

It also has the benefit of prepared statements which prevents SQL injection.

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