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Writing a List to Parcelable?

I have a custom object that has private List<AnotherCustomObject> mList; . Note that AnotherCustomObject implements Parcelable .

However if I want to write mList to dest in writeToParcel() and then read it back later, is this the correct way:


and then in the read method

in.readList(mList, ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader());



in.readList(mList, AnotherCustomObject.getClass().getClassLoader());

Your List<AnotherCustomObject> mList can be read using the readTypedList(List<T> list, Creator<T> c) method and written to using the writeTypedList(List<T> val) method.

In your writeToParcel method you would write the following:


And then in the constructor which creates an instance from a Parcel object you can put:

in.readTypedList(mList, AnotherCustomObject.CREATOR);  

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