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How to link a dropDown and Textarea in ReactJs

I have a table which looks like this

var dataW = [
       taskName: 'WWWx',
       standarDescription: 'WWW',
       emp_comment: 'WW',
       empRating: '1',
       review_comment: '',

var Tablefortask = React.createClass({

                            getInitialState: function() {
                                      return {data: dataW};

                              onChange: function (e) {

                                  var employeeId = e.target.value;


                              render: function() {

                                return (
                                 <div className="border-basic-task col-md-12">
                                 <div className="col-md-12">
                                  <table className="table table-condensed table-bordered table-striped-col " id="table-data">
                                    <tr align="center">
                                        <th>Task  Name</th>
                                        <th >Standard Discription of Task</th>
                                        <th>Employee Comment</th>
                                        <th >Employee Rating</th>
                                        <th width="30%">Reviewer Comment</th>
                                        <th >Reviewer Rating</th>
                                    <TablefortaskList data={this.state.data} onChange={this.onChange} />

var TablefortaskList = React.createClass({
                            render: function() {
                              var commentNodes = this.props.data.map(function(comment) {
                                return (
                                  <Addcontenttotable onChange= {this.props.onChange}  taskName={comment.taskName} standarDescription={comment.standarDescription} emplComment={comment.emp_comment} empRating={comment.empRating} key={comment.id} reviewComment={comment.review_comment} reviewRating={comment.review_rating} >
                              return (

                        var Addcontenttotable = React.createClass({
                              render: function() {
                              if(this.props.reviewComment=== "" && this.props.reviewRating === '' ){
                                return (
                                      <td width="5%">{this.props.empRating}</td>
                                      <td ><textarea 
                                                placeholder="Employee Comment"
                                                   data-placeholder="Basic Select2 Box" >
                                                  <option value="">Option</option>
                                                  <option value="1">1</option>
                                                  <option value="2">2</option>
                                                  <option value="3">3</option>
                                                  <option value="4">4</option>
                                                  <option value="5">5</option>

                                else {
                                 return (

  <Tablefortask />,

Here is a fiddle LINK

I am trying to achieve is ,

1 . If a user selects the drop down it should check if there is a comment for the rating or not , and if not it should highlight the Comment section .

2 . similarly If a user Writes a comment it should check if rating exist or not and if not it should High Light the Drop down

I believe for the TextArea I should not use Onchange since onChange will get called every character I type inside the TextArea

You don't even need a function to do that, just set the class based on the props.

var textAreaClass = this.props.reviewComment === "" &&  this.props.reviewRating !== "" ? "highlight" : "";
var comboClass = this.props.reviewComment !== "" &&  this.props.reviewRating === "" ? "highlight" : "";

set your class

    placeholder="Employee Comment" />

        data-placeholder="Basic Select2 Box" >


PD: You can use classNames library to handle your conditional classNames

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