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Why isnt my Java Echo applet working?

what am I doing wrong ? I really do not get it. It is basically supposed to display the text I enter into input, however if mark off the checkbox, it should recognize \\n and \\t and respond to them according in the output. Thank you !

//html code is all follows 

<applet code="Echo.class" height=400 width=500></applet>
<param name="parameter" value="Echo.class">

// this is the .java file 

import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

public class Echo extends Applet
    TextArea output;
    TextField input;
    Checkbox escape;
    Button submit;
    String s;
    boolean bool=true;
    String args;

    public void init ()

        setLayout(new BorderLayout());

        final Applet Echo = this;

        s = "enter some text";
        input = new TextField(s);
        output = new TextArea("");

        submit = new Button("button");
        submit.addActionListener(new Listener());

        escape = new Checkbox("checkbox");
        this.add(escape, BorderLayout.EAST);
        escape.addItemListener(new Listener());


    public class Listener implements ActionListener, ItemListener

        public  void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)

                args = this.getParameter("parameter");
            if (bool)

                System.out.println(args.replaceAll("\\\\n", "\n").replaceAll("\\\\t","\t"));
                else {

        public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent ie)




FYI. Applet (awt) is a relatively discarded technology. The newer JApplet (swing) has no longer that large a browser support too.

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