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C# Elastic search - Nest query / filtering

I'm pretty new to elastic search / NEST and need some help how to be able to query/filter my data.

I have a list of products. And those products can have any number of options with values connected to them. And I need to be able to filter products by the name of the option and it's values.

I've tried to put together a image with the question :)


I don't have the reputation yet to embed images :(

The incoming search/filter parameters is dynamic so there can be any number of options with values.

Hope someone can help me in the right direction!


  var results = client
                            .Search<YourMappingEntity>(s => s
                            .Filter(f => f
                            .Bool(bb => bb
                            .Must(ms =>
                                FilterContainer filterContainer = null;
                                filterContainer &=
                                   ms.Term("Size", yourarrayofsizes) &&
                                   ms.Terms("Color", yourarrayofcolors) ;

                                return filterContainer;

So after some research and hacking, this is what I came up with and it's working as expected :)


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