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c# nest for elasticsearch: how to convert query that updates particular field of elastic search document to nest?

We have a document that has a fields "sortScore" and "id". We want to update "sortScore" of particular documents which can be uniquely identified by "id".

I have created elastic search query for v 5.4.1 and this updates the "sortScore" perfectly:

POST /stock/1364740/_update
    "script" : {
        "inline": "ctx._source.sortScore += params.count",
        "lang": "painless",
        "params" : {
            "count" : 5

What would be the corresponding c# nest query for this?

Your query doesn't quite look correct; the URI has an index name, "stock" , and an id, "1364740" , but doesn't appear to have a type name.

An Update request would look like the following with NEST

var updateResponse = client.Update<object>(1364740, u => u
    .Script(s => s
        .Inline("ctx._source.sortScore += params.count")
        .Params(d => d
            .Add("count", 5)

which produces the request JSON

POST http://localhost:9200/stock/object/1364740/_update 
  "script": {
    "params": {
      "count": 5
    "lang": "painless",
    "inline": "ctx._source.sortScore += params.count"

Notice that the request has a type name object in the URI, which has been inferred from the object generic type parameter.

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