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Can I use 'in' to update field instead of '=' in SQL oracle?

I'm working on a project where I have to update multiple records in the same column. My values are stored in the list same as ID's that I have to use in my WHERE clause. I was wondering if I can use 'IN' instead of '=' and update all values from my list? Here is my code for lists:

<cfset listUserNum = ArrayToList(userNum)>
<cfset listUserCode = ArrayToList(userCode)>

They look like this:

listUserNum = "72,15,71,27,16,14,22";
listUserCode = "B,B,C,T,R,M,Y";

Here is my update statement:

<cfquery name="UpdateUsers" datasource="test">
    Update Users
    Set UserCode in <cfqueryparam value="#listUserCode#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" list="yes" /> 
    Where UserNumber in <cfqueryparam value="#listUserNum#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" list="yes" /> 

I used 'IN' for my WHERE clause in the past but I never used in my SET. Let me know if I'm doing something wrong here or if there is better way to do this. I still haven't tried this because I have to update around 20k records and I want to make sure this is the best way before I run my update. Thank you!

I would create a table to house that mapping and join to it in your UPDATE :

Update u
Set UserCode = l.UserCode
FROM Users u
  ON u.UserNumber = l.UserNumber
Where UserNumber in <cfqueryparam value="#listUserNum#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" list="yes" /> 

If a temporary table is no option, I would just run 20K updates instead of trying to compress it into one statement. Any decent database should have no problem processing that.

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