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How to store sensitive data into java code for android development

I am willing to use java email api for my android app. I got it from this link . But as mentioned here in the link, to use this api, I need to give my own email id and password in GmailSender as Plain Text . For this reason I am tensed about my password. If anyone decompile the apk file then he can easily get my email id and password. But I don't know how to store these sensitive data into my code safely. How can I do this?

Note: I am not willing to use any third party library to encrypt thses data

It is nearly impossible to completely protect your app from reversal engineering, especially without any third party library.

BUT instead you can create another e-mail, with a different password, and configure it to resend any email received to your official e-mail.

This way if anyone actually manage to reverse the code and get the password, they will only have access to this secondary and unimportant e-mail account. This should solve the problem.

More info about actually protecting the code here:

How to avoid reverse engineering of an APK file?

How to make apk Secure. Protecting from Decompile

You should obfuscate your password string before keeping it in your source code. You can:

  • Do it manually, It can be take a time.
  • Or use some automatic tools. If you don't want to use any third party library to encrypt these data, Bg+ Anti Decompiler/Obfuscator is a good choice for you. It works on java source code (not Java byte-code) so you will control everything

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