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Can't send keys in Selenium C#

I want to open a new tab and close the first one in Selenium.

So, I was using the SendKeys method to do this.

But my problem is when I open the new tab, I can't continue using the SendKeys method to switch to my first tab and close the current one. When entering the while loop, both SendKeys and ExecuteJS are not working.

I tried using this javascript code:


but it is also not working.

My code is like this:

IWebElement body = browser.FindElementByTagName("body");
body.SendKeys(OpenQA.Selenium.Keys.Control + 't');
while (browser.GetWindowNum() > 1)
    body.SendKeys(OpenQA.Selenium.Keys.Control + OpenQA.Selenium.Keys.Tab);
    body.SendKeys(OpenQA.Selenium.Keys.Control + 'w');
    _tmExcute = DateTime.Now;

I use the method GetWindowNum() to check if the number of tabs is more than 1. Here is my code to check the number of tabs in the browser:

public int GetWindowNum()
    return wd.WindowHandles.Count;

You can simply switch the first window and close it using the driver and WindowHandles

ReadOnlyCollection<string> windowHandles = wd.WindowHandles;  
string firstWindow = windowHandles.ElementAt(0); //first window handle at 0 index

foreach (string handle in windowHandles) { //Gets the new window handle  
  if(handle == firstWindow) {
    wd.switchTo().window(handle); // switch focus of WebDriver to the first window
    wd.close(); //close that window       

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